Mashable like Share Buttons using Socialite and Sharrre

Mashable share buttons
Mashable-like Share Buttons Widget. This widget mimics the design and functionality of the social media buttons of . It uses Sharrre jQuery plugin for getting the counts for various social Networks and Socialite for asynchronously loading the buttons. The Sharrre plugin has been modified a bit to return values inside a data- attribute . Also unlike Mashable , a single hover event triggers all the buttons to be loaded so that the user doesn't have to hover over each button to make them load.

Download Demo

<ul class="social" >
<a class="social-stub twitter socialite twitter-share" data-shares="..." data-via="YourHandle" data-text="Google" data-url="" data-count="horizontal" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">&nbsp;&nbsp;Tweet</a>
<a class="social-stub googlepluss socialite googleplus-one" data-size="medium" data-href="" data-url="" data-shares="..." rel="nofollow" target="_blank">+1</a>
<a class="social-stub facebook socialite facebook-like" data-shares="..." data-href="" data-url="" data-send="false" data-layout="button_count" data-width="60" data-show-faces="false" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Like</a>
<a class="social-stub linkedin socialite linkedin-share" data-shares="..." data-url="" data-counter="right" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">&nbsp;&nbsp;Share</a>


A bit overcrowded with classes but required for both plugins to work. Also the data-url attribute would be required for Google+ and Facebook for them to load the buttons for specific page. Also &nbsp; is used to separate the Text in the button from the background. data-shares attribute is where the value of count is returned.

.social { display: block; list-style: none; padding: 0;  }
.social > li { display: block; margin: 0; padding: 10px; float: left; }
.social .socialite-loaded { background: none !important; }
.social-stub.googlepluss {
background: white url('') 0 bottom no-repeat;
background: url('') 0 bottom no-repeat,-webkit-gradient(linear,50% 0,50% 100%,color-stop(0%,#fff),color-stop(100%,#f0f0f0));
color: #db583b;
text-shadow: white -1px 1px;
border-color: #e3e3e3;
font-family: arial,sans-serif;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 13px;
.social-stub.linkedin {
color: #666;
text-shadow: white -1px 1px;
background: #fefefe url('') 0 -1px no-repeat;
background: url('') 0 -1px no-repeat,-webkit-gradient(linear,50% 0,50% 100%,color-stop(0%,#fefefe),color-stop(100%,#ededec));
border-color: #dbe3ef;
.social-stub.twitter {
color: #3e8399!important;
text-shadow: white -1px 1px;
background: #f6fafd url('') -2px center no-repeat;
background: url('') -2px center no-repeat,-webkit-gradient(linear,50% 0,50% 100%,color-stop(0%,#f6fafd),color-stop(100%,#dbecf2));
border-color: #c8e2eb;
.social-stub.facebook {
background: #edf1f7 url('') -4px center no-repeat;
color: #4a68a2;
background: url('') -4px center no-repeat,-webkit-gradient(linear,50% 0,50% 100%,color-stop(0%,#edf1f7),color-stop(100%,#dbe3ef));
border-color: #cad6e7;
} li:nth-child(n+2) > a {margin-left: 47px;}
.social-stub {
width: 61px;
height: 23px;
display: inline-block;
border: 1px solid black;
position: relative;
-webkit-border-radius: 2px;
-moz-border-radius: 2px;
-ms-border-radius: 2px;
-o-border-radius: 2px;
border-radius: 2px;
text-decoration: none!important;
transition: all .1s ease-in-out;
-moz-transition: all .1s ease-in-out;
-webkit-transition: all .1s ease-in-out;
-o-transition: all .1s ease-in-out;
background-position: left center;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
font-size: 11px;
font-family: Tahoma,Geneva,sans-serif;
line-height: 24px;
text-align: center;
.social-stub::before {
top: -2px;
bottom: auto;
height: 20px;
width: 34px;
left: 100%;
margin-left: 6px;
line-height: 20px;
content: attr(data-shares);
display: inline;
padding:1px 5px;
border: 1px solid #E2E3E4;
position: absolute;
top: -1px;
left: 61px;
width: auto;
white-space: nowrap;
color: #777;
z-index: 10;
-moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 2px;
-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 2px;
-ms-border-bottom-left-radius: 2px;
-o-border-bottom-left-radius: 2px;
border-bottom-left-radius: 2px;
-moz-border-radius-bottomright: 2px;
-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 2px;
-ms-border-bottom-right-radius: 2px;
-o-border-bottom-right-radius: 2px;
border-bottom-right-radius: 2px;
-webkit-border-radius: 3px;
-moz-border-radius: 3px;
-ms-border-radius: 3px;
-o-border-radius: 3px;
border-radius: 3px;
font-family: arial,sans-serif;
font-size: 12px!important;
text-align: center;
text-indent: 0;
.social-stub::after {
content: "";
width: 5px;
height: 9px;
background: url( left center no-repeat;
position: absolute;
top: 5px;
left: 100%;
margin-left: 2px;
z-index: 15;

<script   src="socialite.js" ></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="sharrre.js" ></script>

$('.social').one('mouseenter', function()


share: {
twitter: true
enableHover: false,
enableTracking: true,
buttons: { twitter: {via: '_JulienH'}},
click: function(api, options){
share: {
facebook: true
enableHover: false,
enableTracking: true,
click: function(api, options){
share: {
googlePlus: true
enableHover: false,
enableTracking: true,
click: function(api, options){
share: {
linkedin: true
enableHover: false,
enableTracking: true,
click: function(api, options){


The initial JavaScript (Line 4 onwards) loads the buttons on a Mouse Hover event. The rest is configuration for Sharrre plugin. Here one thing to note is that currently as there is no Public API for Google+ so it is not possible to get the +1 count using JavaScript alone. For that Sharrre plugin requires that you put the sharrre.php file in the root of your website. In case you have no server , then no way to get +1 count till the API is released.

For Blogger users

Video Tutorial

Step by Step Guide

1. In the Blogger Dashboard , go to Template > Edit HTML and tick the Expand Widget preview

2. Now search for <div class='post-header-line-1'/> and add the following HTML after it

<ul class="social" >
<a class="social-stub twitter socialite twitter-share" data-shares="..." data-via="YourTwitterHandle" expr:data-text='data:post.title' expr:data-url='data:post.url' data-count="horizontal" target="_blank" >&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;Tweet</a>
<a class="social-stub googlepluss socialite googleplus-one" data-shares="..." data-size="medium" expr:data-href='data:post.url' expr:data-url='data:post.url' target="_blank">+1</a>
<a class="social-stub facebook socialite facebook-like" data-shares="..." expr:data-href='data:post.url' expr:data-url='data:post.url' data-send="false" data-layout="button_count" data-width="60" data-show-faces="false" target="_blank">Like</a>
<a class="social-stub linkedin socialite linkedin-share" data-shares="..." expr:data-url='data:post.url' data-counter="right" target="_blank">&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;Share</a>

Note: Insert two <br/> after this code

3. Now search for ]]></b:skin> tag and add the following CSS just before it

.social { display: block; list-style: none; padding: 0;  }
.social > li { display: block; margin: 0; padding: 10px; float: left; }
.social .socialite-loaded { background: none !important; }
.social-stub.googlepluss {
background: white url('') 0 bottom no-repeat;
background: url('') 0 bottom no-repeat,-webkit-gradient(linear,50% 0,50% 100%,color-stop(0%,#fff),color-stop(100%,#f0f0f0));
color: #db583b;
text-shadow: white -1px 1px;
border-color: #e3e3e3;
font-family: arial,sans-serif;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 13px;
.social-stub.linkedin {
color: #666;
text-shadow: white -1px 1px;
background: #fefefe url('') 0 -1px no-repeat;
background: url('') 0 -1px no-repeat,-webkit-gradient(linear,50% 0,50% 100%,color-stop(0%,#fefefe),color-stop(100%,#ededec));
border-color: #dbe3ef;
.social-stub.twitter {
color: #3e8399!important;
text-shadow: white -1px 1px;
background: #f6fafd url('') -2px center no-repeat;
background: url('') -2px center no-repeat,-webkit-gradient(linear,50% 0,50% 100%,color-stop(0%,#f6fafd),color-stop(100%,#dbecf2));
border-color: #c8e2eb;
.social-stub.facebook {
background: #edf1f7 url('') -4px center no-repeat;
color: #4a68a2;
background: url('') -4px center no-repeat,-webkit-gradient(linear,50% 0,50% 100%,color-stop(0%,#edf1f7),color-stop(100%,#dbe3ef));
border-color: #cad6e7;
} li:nth-child(n+2) > a {margin-left: 47px;}
.social-stub {
width: 61px;
height: 23px;
display: inline-block;
border: 1px solid black;
position: relative;
-webkit-border-radius: 2px;
-moz-border-radius: 2px;
-ms-border-radius: 2px;
-o-border-radius: 2px;
border-radius: 2px;
text-decoration: none!important;
transition: all .1s ease-in-out;
-moz-transition: all .1s ease-in-out;
-webkit-transition: all .1s ease-in-out;
-o-transition: all .1s ease-in-out;
background-position: left center;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
font-size: 11px;
font-family: Tahoma,Geneva,sans-serif;
line-height: 24px;
text-align: center;
.social-stub::before {
top: -2px;
bottom: auto;
height: 20px;
width: 34px;
left: 100%;
margin-left: 6px;
line-height: 20px;
content: attr(data-shares);
display: inline;
padding:1px 5px;
border: 1px solid #E2E3E4;
position: absolute;
top: -1px;
left: 61px;
width: auto;
white-space: nowrap;
color: #777;
z-index: 10;
-moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 2px;
-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 2px;
-ms-border-bottom-left-radius: 2px;
-o-border-bottom-left-radius: 2px;
border-bottom-left-radius: 2px;
-moz-border-radius-bottomright: 2px;
-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 2px;
-ms-border-bottom-right-radius: 2px;
-o-border-bottom-right-radius: 2px;
border-bottom-right-radius: 2px;
-webkit-border-radius: 3px;
-moz-border-radius: 3px;
-ms-border-radius: 3px;
-o-border-radius: 3px;
border-radius: 3px;
font-family: arial,sans-serif;
font-size: 12px!important;
text-align: center;
text-indent: 0;
.social-stub::after {
content: "";
width: 5px;
height: 9px;
background: url( left center no-repeat;
position: absolute;
top: 5px;
left: 100%;
margin-left: 2px;
z-index: 15;

4. Lastly Search for </body> and paste the following code just before it.

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src=""></script>
eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,r){e=function(c){return(c<a?'':e(parseInt(c/a)))+((c=c%a)>35?String.fromCharCode(c+29):c.toString(36))};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--)r[e(c)]=k[c]||e(c);k=[function(e){return r[e]}];e=function(){return'\\w+'};c=1};while(c--)if(k[c])p=p.replace(new RegExp('\\b'+e(c)+'\\b','g'),k[c]);return p}(';(4($,g,h,i){l j=\'28\',2d={2R:\'28\',Q:{K:D,C:D,x:D,G:D,p:D,H:D,I:D,A:D},26:0,1e:\'\',19:\'\',3:h.2N.1k,w:h.19,1u:\'28.2Y\',z:{},1p:0,1s:r,2Z:r,30:r,23:D,22:4(){},34:4(){},1P:4(){},2o:4(){},8:{K:{3:\'\',17:D,1l:\'35\',11:\'38-3y\',2c:\'\'},C:{3:\'\',17:D,T:\'1E\',Z:\'3V\',F:\'\',1y:\'D\',2u:\'D\',2q:\'\',1A:\'\',11:\'3D\'},x:{3:\'\',17:D,z:\'39\',2f:\'\',15:\'\',1I:\'\',11:\'38\'},G:{3:\'\',17:D,O:\'41\'},p:{3:\'\',17:D,1l:\'35\'},H:{3:\'\',17:D,Z:\'1\'},I:{3:\'\',17:D,24:\'\'},A:{3:\'\',1B:\'\',1r:\'\',Z:\'39\'}}},1o={K:"",C:"P://4B.C.o/?1W={3}&1z=?",x:"P://3W.3Z.x.o/1/40/z.3e?3={3}&1z=?",G:"P://46.G.o/2.0/4a.4c?4e={3}&O=1c&1z=?",p:\'P://4V.p.o/51/3e/3q/m?3={3}&1z=?\',H:"",I:"P://1g.I.o/3E/z/Q?3N=3O&3={3}&1z=?",A:""},3a={K:4(b){l c=b.6.8.K;$(b.q).W(\'.8\').Y(\'<n L="S 4i"><n L="g-1D" m-1l="\'+c.1l+\'" m-1k="\'+(c.3!==\'\'?c.3:b.6.3)+\'" m-2c="\'+c.2c+\'"></n></n>\');g.4T={11:b.6.8.K.11};l d=0;9(y 36===\'E\'&&d==0){d=1;(4(){l a=h.1b(\'N\');a.O=\'w/1c\';a.1m=r;a.16=\'//3Y.32.o/X/1D.X\';l s=h.1d(\'N\')[0];s.1a.18(a,s)})()}J{36.1D.4d()}},C:4(c){l e=c.6.8.C;$(c.q).W(\'.8\').Y(\'<n 1W="1L-4m"></n><n L="S C"><n L="1L-1E" m-1k="\'+(e.3!==\'\'?e.3:c.6.3)+\'" m-1y="\'+e.1y+\'" m-Z="\'+e.Z+\'" m-F="\'+e.F+\'" m-4n-2u="\'+e.2u+\'" m-T="\'+e.T+\'" m-2q="\'+e.2q+\'" m-1A="\'+e.1A+\'" m-15="\'+e.15+\'"></n></n>\');l f=0;9(y 1f===\'E\'&&f==0){f=1;(4(d,s,a){l b,2g=d.1d(s)[0];9(d.4Y(a)){1w}b=d.1b(s);b.1W=a;b.16=\'//55.C.5d/\'+e.11+\'/3g.X#3l=1\';2g.1a.18(b,2g)}(h,\'N\',\'C-3m\'))}J{1f.3n.3o()}},x:4(b){l c=b.6.8.x;$(b.q).W(\'.8\').Y(\'<n L="S x"><a 1k="1C://x.o/Q" L="x-Q-S" m-3="\'+(c.3!==\'\'?c.3:b.6.3)+\'" m-z="\'+c.z+\'" m-w="\'+b.6.w+\'" m-15="\'+c.15+\'" m-2f="\'+c.2f+\'" m-1I="\'+c.1I+\'" m-11="\'+c.11+\'">3u</a></n>\');l d=0;9(y 2n===\'E\'&&d==0){d=1;(4(){l a=h.1b(\'N\');a.O=\'w/1c\';a.1m=r;a.16=\'//1R.x.o/1V.X\';l s=h.1d(\'N\')[0];s.1a.18(a,s)})()}J{$.3F({3:\'//1R.x.o/1V.X\',3G:\'N\',3I:r})}},G:4(a){l b=a.6.8.G;$(a.q).W(\'.8\').Y(\'<n L="S G"><a L="3J \'+b.O+\'" 3K="3L 3M" 1k="P://G.o/2X?3=\'+U((b.3!==\'\'?b.3:a.6.3))+\'"></a></n>\');l c=0;9(y 3P===\'E\'&&c==0){c=1;(4(){l s=h.1b(\'2W\'),1Z=h.1d(\'2W\')[0];s.O=\'w/1c\';s.1m=r;s.16=\'//1V.G.o/8.X\';1Z.1a.18(s,1Z)})()}},p:4(a){9(a.6.8.p.1l==\'3X\'){l b=\'F:20;\',21=\'B:2S;F:20;1A-1l:42;1q-B:2S;\',25=\'B:2P;1q-B:2P;27-5n:1K;\'}J{l b=\'F:4h;\',21=\'2a:4j;2b:0 1K;B:1x;F:4u;1q-B:1x;\',25=\'2a:4v;B:1x;1q-B:1x;\'}l c=a.1s(a.6.z.p);9(y c==="E"){c=0}$(a.q).W(\'.8\').Y(\'<n L="S p"><n 1M="\'+b+\'1A:4C 4G,4I,4J-4L;4N:4P;1N:#4U;2K:4X-3f;2a:2J;B:1x;1q-B:52;27:0;2b:0;w-53:0;54-2h:57;">\'+\'<n 1M="\'+21+\'2I-1N:#2G;27-3h:3i;3j:3k;w-2h:2F;1S:2C 2B #3p;1S-2A:1K;">\'+c+\'</n>\'+\'<n 1M="\'+25+\'2K:3f;2b:0;w-2h:2F;w-3r:2J;F:20;2I-1N:#3s;1S:2C 2B #3t;1S-2A:1K;1N:#2G;">\'+\'<2y 16="P://1g.p.o/3v/2y/p.3w.3x" B="10" F="10" 3z="3A" /> 3B</n></n></n>\');$(a.q).W(\'.p\').3C(\'1P\',4(){a.2x(\'p\')})},H:4(b){l c=b.6.8.H;$(b.q).W(\'.8\').Y(\'<n L="S H"><2T:2t Z="\'+c.Z+\'" 2N="\'+(c.3!==\'\'?c.3:b.6.3)+\'"></2T:2t></n>\');l d=0;9(y 1Q===\'E\'&&d==0){d=1;(4(){l a=h.1b(\'N\');a.O=\'w/1c\';a.1m=r;a.16=\'//1R.H.o/1/1V.X\';l s=h.1d(\'N\')[0];s.1a.18(a,s)})();s=g.3H(4(){9(y 1Q!==\'E\'){1Q.2w();2s(s)}},2r)}J{1Q.2w()}},I:4(b){l c=b.6.8.I;$(b.q).W(\'.8\').Y(\'<n L="S I"><n O="2p/Q" m-3="\'+(c.3!==\'\'?c.3:b.6.3)+\'" m-24="\'+c.24+\'"></N></n>\');l d=0;9(y g.2z===\'E\'&&d==0){d=1;(4(){l a=h.1b(\'N\');a.O=\'w/1c\';a.1m=r;a.16=\'//1R.I.o/2p.X\';l s=h.1d(\'N\')[0];s.1a.18(a,s)})()}J{g.2z.1U()}},A:4(b){l c=b.6.8.A;$(b.q).W(\'.8\').Y(\'<n L="S A"><a 1k="P://A.o/1T/2m/S/?3=\'+(c.3!==\'\'?c.3:b.6.3)+\'&1B=\'+c.1B+\'&1r=\'+c.1r+\'" L="1T-3Q-S" z-Z="\'+c.Z+\'">3R 3S</a></n>\');(4(){l a=h.1b(\'N\');a.O=\'w/1c\';a.1m=r;a.16=\'//3T.A.o/X/3U.X\';l s=h.1d(\'N\')[0];s.1a.18(a,s)})()}},2D={K:4(){},C:4(){1L=g.2E(4(){9(y 1f!==\'E\'){1f.2k.2j(\'2H.2m\',4(a){1h.1i([\'1j\',\'C\',\'1E\',a])});1f.2k.2j(\'2H.43\',4(a){1h.1i([\'1j\',\'C\',\'44\',a])});1f.2k.2j(\'45.1y\',4(a){1h.1i([\'1j\',\'C\',\'1y\',a])});2s(1L)}},2L)},x:4(){2M=g.2E(4(){9(y 2n!==\'E\'){2n.48.49(\'1J\',4(a){9(a){1h.1i([\'1j\',\'x\',\'1J\'])}});2s(2M)}},2L)},G:4(){},p:4(){},H:4(){},I:4(){4 4b(){1h.1i([\'1j\',\'I\',\'Q\'])}},A:4(){}},2O={K:4(a){g.14("1C://1D.32.o/2Q/+1/4f?4g="+a.8.K.11+"&3="+U((a.8.K.3!==\'\'?a.8.K.3:a.3)),"","13=0, 1H=0, F=2v, B=2r")},C:4(a){g.14("P://1g.C.o/4k.2Y?u="+U((a.8.C.3!==\'\'?a.8.C.3:a.3))+"&t="+a.w+"","","13=0, 1H=0, F=2v, B=2r")},x:4(a){g.14("1C://x.o/4l/1J?w="+U(a.w)+"&3="+U((a.8.x.3!==\'\'?a.8.x.3:a.3))+(a.8.x.15!==\'\'?\'&15=\'+a.8.x.15:\'\'),"","13=0, 1H=0, F=2U, B=2V")},G:4(a){g.14("P://G.o/4o/4p/2X?3="+U((a.8.G.3!==\'\'?a.8.G.3:a.3))+"&19="+a.w+"&1I=r&1M=r","","13=0, 1H=0, F=2U, B=2V")},p:4(a){g.14(\'P://1g.p.o/4q?v=5&4r&4s=4t&3=\'+U((a.8.p.3!==\'\'?a.8.p.3:a.3))+\'&19=\'+a.w,\'p\',\'13=1F,F=1n,B=1n\')},H:4(a){g.14(\'P://1g.H.o/2t/?3=\'+U((a.8.p.3!==\'\'?a.8.p.3:a.3)),\'H\',\'13=1F,F=1n,B=1n\')},I:4(a){g.14(\'1C://1g.I.o/4w/Q?3=\'+U((a.8.p.3!==\'\'?a.8.p.3:a.3))+\'&4x=&4y=r\',\'I\',\'13=1F,F=1n,B=1n\')},A:4(a){g.14(\'P://A.o/1T/2m/S/?3=\'+U((a.8.A.3!==\'\'?a.8.A.3:a.3))+\'&1B=\'+U(a.8.A.1B)+\'&1r=\'+a.8.A.1r,\'A\',\'13=1F,F=4z,B=4A\')}};4 R(a,b){7.q=a;7.6=$.4D(r,{},2d,b);7.6.Q=b.Q;7.4E=2d;7.4F=j;7.1U()};R.V.1U=4(){l c=7;9(7.6.1u!==\'\'){1o.K=7.6.1u+\'?3={3}&O=K\';1o.H=7.6.1u+\'?3={3}&O=H\';1o.A=7.6.1u+\'?3={3}&O=A\'}$(7.q).4H(7.6.2R);9(y $(7.q).m(\'19\')!==\'E\'){7.6.19=$(7.q).31(\'m-19\')}9(y $(7.q).m(\'3\')!==\'E\'){7.6.3=$(7.q).m(\'3\')}9(y $(7.q).m(\'w\')!==\'E\'){7.6.w=$(7.q).m(\'w\')}$.1t(7.6.Q,4(a,b){9(b===r){c.6.26++}});9(c.6.30===r){$.1t(7.6.Q,4(a,b){9(b===r){4K{c.33(a)}4M(e){}}})}J{7.1X();7.6.2o(7,7.6)}$(7.q).22(4(){9($(7).W(\'.8\').4O===0&&c.6.2Z===r){c.1X()}c.6.22(c,c.6)},4(){c.6.34(c,c.6)});$(7.q).1P(4(){c.6.1P(c,c.6);1w D})};R.V.1X=4(){l c=7;$(7.q).Y(\'<n L="8"></n>\');$.1t(c.6.Q,4(a,b){9(b==r){3a[a](c);9(c.6.23===r){2D[a]()}}})};R.V.33=4(c){l d=7,z=0,3=1o[c].1v(\'{3}\',U(7.6.3));9(7.6.8[c].17===r&&7.6.8[c].3!==\'\'){3=1o[c].1v(\'{3}\',7.6.8[c].3)}9(3!=\'\'){$.4Q(3,4(a){9(y a.z!=="E"){l b=a.z+\'\';b=b.1v(\'\\4R\\4S\',\'\');z+=1G(b,10)}J 9(y a.37!=="E"){z+=1G(a.37,10)}J 9(y a.2e!=="E"){z+=1G(a.2e,10)}J 9(y a[0]!=="E"){z+=1G(a[0].4W,10)}J 9(y a[0]!=="E"){}d.6.z[c]=z;d.6.1p+=z;d.2i();d.1O()}).4Z(4(){d.6.z[c]=0;d.1O()})}J{d.2i();d.6.z[c]=0;d.1O()}};R.V.1O=4(){l a=0;50(e 2p 7.6.z){a++}9(a===7.6.26){7.6.2o(7,7.6)}};R.V.2i=4(){l a=7.6.1p,1e=7.6.1e;9(7.6.1s===r){a=7.1s(a)}9(1e!==\'\'){1e=1e.1v(\'{1p}\',a);$(7.q).29(1e)}J{$(7.q).31(\'m-2e\',a)}};R.V.1s=4(a){9(a>=3b){a=(a/3b).3c(2)+"M"}J 9(a>=3d){a=(a/3d).3c(1)+"k"}1w a};R.V.2x=4(a){2O[a](7.6);9(7.6.23===r){l b={K:{12:\'56\',T:\'+1\'},C:{12:\'C\',T:\'1E\'},x:{12:\'x\',T:\'1J\'},G:{12:\'G\',T:\'1Y\'},p:{12:\'p\',T:\'1Y\'},H:{12:\'H\',T:\'1Y\'},I:{12:\'I\',T:\'Q\'},A:{12:\'A\',T:\'1T\'}};1h.1i([\'1j\',b[a].12,b[a].T])}};R.V.58=4(){l a=$(7.q).29();$(7.q).29(a.1v(7.6.1p,7.6.1p+1))};R.V.59=4(a,b){9(a!==\'\'){7.6.3=a}9(b!==\'\'){7.6.w=b}};$.5a[j]=4(b){l c=5b;9(b===i||y b===\'5c\'){1w 7.1t(4(){9(!$.m(7,\'2l\'+j)){$.m(7,\'2l\'+j,5e R(7,b))}})}J 9(y b===\'5f\'&&b[0]!==\'2Q\'&&b!==\'1U\'){1w 7.1t(4(){l a=$.m(7,\'2l\'+j);9(a 5g R&&y a[b]===\'4\'){a[b].5h(a,5i.V.5j.5k(c,1))}})}}})(5l,5m,47);',62,334,'|||url|function||options|this|buttons|if||||||||||||var|data|div|com|delicious|element|true|||||text|twitter|typeof|count|pinterest|height|facebook|false|undefined|width|digg|stumbleupon|linkedin|else|googlePlus|class||script|type|http|share|Plugin|button|action|encodeURIComponent|prototype|find|js|append|layout||lang|site|toolbar|open|via|src|urlCount|insertBefore|title|parentNode|createElement|javascript|getElementsByTagName|template|FB|www|_gaq|push|_trackSocial|href|size|async|550|urlJson|total|line|description|shorterTotal|each|urlCurl|replace|return|20px|send|callback|font|media|https|plusone|like|no|parseInt|status|related|tweet|3px|fb|style|color|rendererPerso|click|STMBLPN|platform|border|pin|init|widgets|id|loadButtons|add|s1|50px|cssCount|hover|enableTracking|counter|cssShare|shareTotal|margin|sharrre|html|float|padding|annotation|defaults|shares|hashtags|fjs|align|renderer|subscribe|Event|plugin_|create|twttr|render|in|colorscheme|500|clearInterval|badge|faces|900|processWidgets|openPopup|img|IN|radius|solid|1px|tracking|setInterval|center|fff|edge|background|none|display|1000|tw|location|popup|18px|_|className|35px|su|650|360|SCRIPT|submit|php|enableHover|enableCounter|attr|google|getSocialJson|hide|medium|gapi|likes|en|horizontal|loadButton|1e6|toFixed|1e3|json|block|all|bottom|5px|overflow|hidden|xfbml|jssdk|XFBML|parse|ccc|urlinfo|decoration|7EACEE|40679C|Tweet|static|small|gif|US|alt|Delicious|Add|on|en_US|countserv|ajax|dataType|setTimeout|cache|DiggThisButton|rel|nofollow|external|format|jsonp|__DBW|it|Pin|It|assets|pinit|button_count|cdn|tall|apis|api|urls|DiggCompact|15px|remove|unlike|message|services|document|events|bind|story|LinkedInShare|getInfo|go|links|confirm|hl|93px|googleplus|right|sharer|intent|root|show|tools|diggthis|save|noui|jump|close|26px|left|cws|token|isFramed|700|300|graph|12px|extend|_defaults|_name|Arial|addClass|Helvetica|sans|try|serif|catch|cursor|length|pointer|getJSON|u00c2|u00a0|___gcfg|666666|feeds|total_posts|inline|getElementById|error|for|v2|normal|indent|vertical|connect|Google|baseline|simulateClick|update|fn|arguments|object|net|new|string|instanceof|apply|Array|slice|call|jQuery|window|top'.split('|'),0,{}))
<script type="text/javascript">


$('.social').one('mouseenter', function()


share: {
twitter: true
enableHover: false,
enableTracking: true,
buttons: { twitter: {via: '_YourTwitterHandle'}},
click: function(api, options){
share: {
facebook: true
enableHover: false,
enableTracking: true,
click: function(api, options){
share: {
googlePlus: true
enableHover: false,
enableTracking: true,
click: function(api, options){
share: {
linkedin: true
enableHover: false,
enableTracking: true,
click: function(api, options){

5. Check the Preview for errors and Save your template

Note: As I mentioned before it is currently not possible to display the +1 count with JavaScript alone. Whenever a Public API will be released for Google+ , I will update this tutorial. Feel free to share your suggestions for improving this widget.

Download Demo

20 Great Resources for Blogger Users

20 great resources for blogger users
If you just getting started with Blogger platform , these are some great blogs to include in your reading list. Each one of them is full of unique tutorials and pro tips that can keep you hooked for days together. Every blog in the list has a different focus , with some focussing on Tips and Tricks while other writing about Widget Creation and Tutorials. Nonetheless each resource is full of quality stuff that will help you with various aspects Blogger platform

1. Spice Up Your Blog

spice up your blog

Has one of the biggest collection of Tutorials , Tips and Widgets. Established in mid-2009 , it has been going strong since then with updates being posted on a weekly or daily basis.

2. Way2Blogging

way 2 blogging

Best resource for Widgets and Templates. Updates are arbitrary in nature but each and every one of them is of highest quality

3. Blogger Plugins

blogger widgets

One of the Oldest blog dedicated to Blogger known for its Blogger API widgets and In-depth Tutorials.

4. Blogger Sentral

blogger sentral

It has some of the best tutorials related to integrating various services into Blogger. Also known for its simplicity and directness .

5. Blogger Buster

blogger buster

The oldest resource dedicated to Blogger with the best tutorials , tips and templates. Founded in late 2006 its been updated since then on a regular basis.

6. Blogger Items

blogger items

New to Blogger but known for its unique and awesome Widgets which can't be found anywhere else on the internet.

7. The Real Blogger Status

the real blogger status

Keeps you up to date with all the latest happening in the Blogger Forum and Blogger as a whole. Updated on a daily basis

8. Simplex Design

simplex design

A source for Blogger tutorials and Tips

9. Mayura4Ever

mayura 4 ever

Relatively new but covers up that with its in-depth tutorial and simplicity

10. My Blogger Tricks

my blogger tricks

Most Active among all , its updated daily and is full of Tutorials , tips and Tricks for Blogger as well as Smart money making techniques

11. Abu Farhan

abu farhan

Its one of the earliest resources for Blogger, even though its not updated much now still the tutorials available in it are useful till today

12. Blogger Xpertise

blogger xpertise

Fairly new resource but the tutorials and tips are covered in it are downright awesome and useful to say the least

13. 54Blogger

54 blogger

A mix of Blogger Tutorials and Web Design Tips. Each tutorial provides a new insight and has freshness to it. Not updated much these days.

14. Blogger Bin

blogger bin

New on the block , but the variety and quality of tutorials and tips is really professional.

15. Nymphont


Updated arbitrarily but the Templates created by them are a class apart

16. Helper Blogger

helper for blogger

Just 9 months old but the tutorials and tips are really great

17. Southern Speakers

southern speakers

One of the biggest resource for Blogger Dynamic View tutorials and tricks

18. My Blogger Lab

my blogger lab

Creates amazing widgets for Blogger as well as occasional tips and tricks related to blogging

19. Bloggerzbible

bloggerz bible

Creates templates which have unmatched quality and also shares Tips and Tutorials

20. Stylify Your Blog ( us !)

stylify Your blog

Hope you found these blogs useful. There are so many quality resources out there , that I might have missed some , so feel free to share them in the comments below so that I can expand this list .

Random Post Widget for Blogger

Random Post Widget for Blogger blogs. A simple way to display arbitrary posts from your blog's archives. This widget comes with loads of customizable options which can be easily configured using the Widget Generator found later. This is inspired from Aneesh Joseph's Random Post Gadget using the Blogger API. That gadget failed unexpectedly sometimes due very large iFrame URLs and the browser's incapability to render them. So I tweaked and converted it into a purely json based widget with no chance of that kind of failure occurring


Note : There is some problem with GoogleCode as of now which might have rendered the widget useless. To solve this problem , Open up the HTML/JavaScript widget and replace the following line
<script style='text/javascript' src=''></script>

Change it with
<script style='text/javascript' >
var postTitleOriginal, myLink, myDiv, myImage;
var main;

function getPost(json) {
var s;
var entry = json.feed.entry[0];
var postTitle = entry.title.$t;
postTitleOriginal = postTitle;
if (isNaN(titleLength) || titleLength == 0) {
postTitle = '';
else if (postTitle.length > titleLength) postTitle = postTitle.substring(0, titleLength) + "...";
var postUrl;
for (var k = 0; k <; k++) {
if ([k].rel == 'replies' &&[k].type == 'text/html') {
var commentText =[k].title;
var commentUrl =[k].href;
if ([k].rel == 'alternate') {
postUrl =[k].href;
if (showThumbs == true) {
var thumbUrl = "";
try {
thumbUrl =$thumbnail.url;
if(imgDim=="80"||imgDim=="85"||imgDim=="90"||imgDim=="95"||imgDim=="100") thumbUrl = thumbUrl.replace("/s72-c/","/s104-c/");
} catch (error) {
if ("content" in entry) s = entry.content.$t; else s="";
if (thumbUrl == "" && mediaThumbsOnly == false) {
regex = /http\:\/\/www\.youtube(-nocookie){0,1}\.com\/(v){0,1}(embed){0,1}\/(([^"&?' ]*))/;
videoIds = s.match(regex);
if (videoIds != null) {
videoId = videoIds[4];
if (videoIds != null && videoId != null) thumbUrl = "" + videoId + "/2.jpg"
if (thumbUrl == "" && mediaThumbsOnly == false) {
a = s.indexOf("<img");
b = s.indexOf("src=\"", a);
c = s.indexOf("\"", b + 5);
d = s.substr(b + 5, c - b - 5);
if ((a != -1) && (b != -1) && (c != -1) && (d != "")) thumbUrl = d;


if (thumbUrl == "" && showNoImage == true) thumbUrl = '';
} //end ifposthumbs
if (showPostDate == true) {
var postdate = entry.published.$t;
var cdyear = postdate.substring(0, 4);
var cdmonth = postdate.substring(5, 7);
var cdday = postdate.substring(8, 10);
var monthnames = new Array();
monthnames[1] = "Jan";
monthnames[2] = "Feb";
monthnames[3] = "Mar";
monthnames[4] = "Apr";
monthnames[5] = "May";
monthnames[6] = "Jun";
monthnames[7] = "Jul";
monthnames[8] = "Aug";
monthnames[9] = "Sep";
monthnames[10] = "Oct";
monthnames[11] = "Nov";
monthnames[12] = "Dec";
} //end if date
code = "";
main = document.getElementById('stylify_random');
myDiv = document.createElement('div');
myDiv.setAttribute("class", "stylify_item_title");"both";"4px";
myLink = createLink(postUrl,"_top",postTitleOriginal)

if(postTitle != '')myDiv.appendChild(myLink);
main.appendChild(myDiv);if(postTitle != '')myLink.innerHTML = postTitle;

if (showThumbs == true && thumbUrl != "") {
myImage = document.createElement('img'); = "3px solid transparent"; = "5px"; = "0 0 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)";

myImage.setAttribute("src", thumbUrl);;;
//myImage.setAttribute("alt", postTitleOriginal);
myImage.setAttribute("width", imgDim);
//myImage.setAttribute("align", imgFloat);
myImage.setAttribute("height", imgDim);
myLink = document.createElement('a');
myLink.setAttribute("href", postUrl+"?utm_source=blog&utm_medium=gadget&utm_campaign=stylify_random");
myLink.setAttribute("target", "_top");
myLink.setAttribute("title", postTitleOriginal);

myDiv = document.createElement('div');
myDiv.setAttribute("class", "stylify_item_thumb");

try {
if ("content" in entry) {
var postContent = entry.content.$t;
else if ("summary" in entry) {
var postContent = entry.summary.$t;
else var postContent = "";
var re = /<\S[^>]*>/g;
postContent = postContent.replace(re, "");

if (showSummary == true) {
myDiv = createDiv("stylify_item_summary");

if (postContent.length < summaryLength) {myDiv.innerHTML=postContent;}
else {
postContent = postContent.substring(0, summaryLength);
var quoteEnd = postContent.lastIndexOf(" ");
postContent = postContent.substring(0, quoteEnd);
myDiv.innerHTML=postContent + '...';

} //end try
catch (error) {}

myDiv = createDiv("stylify_item_meta");"both";"4px";

var flag = 0;
if (showPostDate == true) {
myDiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(monthnames[parseInt(cdmonth, 10)] + '-' + cdday + '-' + cdyear));
flag = 1;

if (showCommentCount == true) {
if (flag == 1) {
myDiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" | "));
if (commentText == '1 Comments') commentText = '1 Comment';
if (commentText == '0 Comments') commentText = 'No Comments';
var myLink = createLink(commentUrl,"_top",commentText + " on " + postTitleOriginal)
flag = 1;;

if (showReadMore == true) {
if (flag == 1) {
myDiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" | "));
var myLink = createLink(postUrl,"_top",postTitleOriginal)
myLink.innerHTML = readMore+" &raquo;";
flag = 1;;

if (flag == 1 || showSummary || postTitle != "") main.appendChild(myDiv);


function getRandom(json) {
var feedUrl = '/feeds/posts/default';
if (mediaThumbsOnly||!showThumbs) feedUrl = feedUrl.replace("posts/default", "posts/summary");
totalPosts = parseInt(json.feed.openSearch$totalResults.$t);
var rand = [];
if (numberOfPosts > totalPosts) numberOfPosts = totalPosts;
if (numberOfPosts > 15) numberOfPosts = 15;
while (rand.length < numberOfPosts) {
var randomNumber = Math.ceil(Math.random() * totalPosts);
var found = false;
for (var i = 0; i < rand.length; i++) {
if (rand[i] == randomNumber) {
found = true;
if (!found) rand[rand.length] = randomNumber;
var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || document.documentElement;

for (var i = 0; i < rand.length; i++) {

script = document.createElement("script");
script.src = feedUrl + "?start-index=" + rand[i] + "&max-results=1&alt=json-in-script&callback=getPost";
script.charSet = "utf-8";

function createDiv(className)
var myDiv = document.createElement('div');
myDiv.setAttribute("class", className);

return myDiv;

function createLink(href,target,title)

var myLink = document.createElement('a');
href= href.substring(0,href.length-13)+"?utm_source=blog&utm_medium=gadget&utm_campaign=stylify_random"+"#comment-form";
else if(href.indexOf("?utm_source=")==-1) href=href+"?utm_source=blog&utm_medium=gadget&utm_campaign=stylify_random";
myLink.setAttribute("href", href);
myLink.setAttribute("target", target);
myLink.setAttribute("title", title);

return myLink;



  • Easy to customize
  • Cross-browser Support
  • Configurable number of displayed Posts
  • Enable or Disable Image from post
  • Default Fallback Image for Imageless Posts
  • Control over Summary length
  • Displays Date and Comment link under Summary
  • Changeable Read More Link's Text

  • Widget Generator
    Change the settings as per your needs and click the Add Widget to My Blog button

    Widget Title
    Widget Title:

    Customize Widget
    Blog url
    Number of posts:
    Maximum title Length: char
    Show Thumbnail:
    Show Default Thumbnail:(When no image)
    Thumbnail Dimension: px
    Float Thumbnail to:
    Thumbnail Margin:
    Show summary:
    Summary size: char
    Show post date:
    Show Comment Number:
    Show Read more Link:
    Read More Text:

    Some Tips
  • To make it look even more engaging to your readers, you can label it as "Posts being Viewed Currently" . It will make your readers believe that other people are viewing these posts and will drive more traffic to those posts.

  • After adding the widget you can simply change the settings from the Layout Tab itself or you can create another widget from the above Widget Generator and add it to your blog again. Make sure to delete the previous widget in that case.

  • If you Liked this Widget, Please Share it with fellow Blogger users.

    Please leave your opinions and suggestions so that we can make this widget even better. Feel free to share any problem you face while using it so that we can solve it at the earliest

    Lazy Loading Floating Share Bar Widget for Blogger

    Lazy Loading Floating share bar Presenting the Lazy Loading Floating Social Sharing Bar Widget for Blogger. It provides easy sharing options to your readers without the disadvantage of slow page load times attached with these buttons. The widget uses Socialite to asynchronously load all the scripts and styles related to the buttons as and when the user hovers over the widget. The widget comes in mainly two versions , one with small buttons and the other with large buttons

    Socialite Powered Floating Share Buttons

    Simply select the version that suits you and add it to your blog using the buttons below

    Small ButtonsLeft-aligned Right-aligned
    On All Pages
    On Post Pages
    Not on Pages (/p)

    Large ButtonsLeft-aligned Right-aligned
    On All Pages
    On Post Pages
    Not on Pages (/p)

    In case you want to add the code manually
    1. Go to Blogger Dashboard , in Layout > Click Add a Gadget > HTML/JavaScript
    2. Now paste the following code from below that suits your choice
    Small Buttons Right Aligned
    <style type="text/css" >
    .vhidden { border: 0; clip: rect(0 0 0 0); height: 1px; margin: -1px; overflow: hidden; padding: 0; position: absolute; width: 1px; }

    .socialite-instance { display: none; opacity: 0; }
    .socialite-loaded .socialite-button { display: block; opacity: 1; }
    .socialite-button iframe { max-width: 100%; max-height: 100%; }

    #syb-social-load { margin: 0 0 0.625em 0; font-weight: bold; padding: 5px; }

    #syb-social {
    -webkit-border-radius: 4px;
    -moz-border-radius: 4px;
    border-radius: 4px;
    -webkit-box-shadow: 3px 3px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, .05);
    -moz-box-shadow: 3px 3px 4px rgba(0,0,0,.05);
    box-shadow: 3px 3px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, .05);
    background-color: white; display: block; list-style: none; padding: 0; position:fixed; right:20px;top:200px; display: block; list-style: none; }
    #syb-social li {clear: both; text-align: center; display: block; margin: 0; padding: 10px 3px 0px 6px !important; }
    #syb-social .socialite { display: block; position: relative; width: 55px !important; height: 30px; background: url('') 0 0 no-repeat; }
    #syb-social .socialite-loaded {width: 100px !important; background: none; }

    #syb-social .twitter-share { background-position: 0 0; }
    #syb-social .googleplus-one { background-position: 0 -45px; }
    #syb-social .facebook-like { background-position: 0 -90px; }
    #syb-social .linkedin-share { background-position: 0 -135px; }
    #syb-social .pinterest-pinit { background-position: 0 -175px; }
    <a href="" alt="Blogger Tutorials" ><img src="" /></a>
    <ul id="syb-social" class="cf">
    <li >
    <a href="" class="socialite twitter-share" data-count="horizontal" data-via="YourTwitterHandle" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">
    <span class="vhidden">Share on Twitter</span></a>

    <a href="" class="socialite googleplus-one" data-size="medium" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">
    <span class="vhidden">Share on Google+</span>
    <a href="" class="socialite facebook-like" data-send="false" data-layout="button_count" data-width="60" data-show-faces="false" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">
    <span class="vhidden">Share on Facebook</span>
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