Decide on your Domain Wisely Before Starting Your Blog

com net org info eduFor many a passion and for others a profession, blogging has definitely taken internet users all over the world by a storm. When one starts a blog, the primary desire is to share the knowledge with others or to make a living through it, depending on the owner of the blog and his aspirations. Whatever the reason behind starting a blog may be, it won’t turn into reality until intended audience learns about the blog.

It’s all about traffic and to achieve quality traffic for a blog, proper optimization plan is to be followed. Search Engine Optimization plan for a blog consists of on-page and off-page optimization part. Off-page optimization is more related to quality link building for the blog or inner pages. As far as on-page optimization is concerned, it starts right from buying the domain for your blog, certain other parts include title of your blog, Meta tags, Meta description etc.

Why are domains important?


Domains can give your blog a competitive advantage over your competitors. Though ultimately all depends on the content of the blog, if the primary keyword you want to rank for is there in your domain, you are one step ahead in the race. For search engines, such a blog is more relevant to the keyword. The same applies to the visitors of the blog. If they search for a keyword and see that your blog domain contains the keyword in its entirety, he will be prompted to think that your blog is more relevant than others.

How to choose the domain for your blog?

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  • Once you have figured out the primary keyword for your blog, try to search for that domain in the different domain providers such as Yahoo Domain, GoDaddy, NameCheap etc. There are plenty of discount coupons available, so don’t worry about the price  .

  • What if you don’t get the exact keyword as your domain? Well, go for something similar then. Suppose, the keyword you want to rank for is Midphase hosting discount coupons midphasehostingdiscountcoupons is not available, be it com, org or net (Please avoid info, in general, there is no proof that info domains don’t work, but, my personal experience has been bitter so I ask people to refrain). In such case, add a suffix to the keyword and you should do fine. So, yes midphasehostingdiscountcouponsforyou works perfectly. Mind it, don’t add a prefix and then finalize your domain, it’s strictly prohibited.

  • Another caution point, don’t use hyphens or numbers in your domain, they somehow look spammy.

  • I put pretty emphasis to this while choosing the domain. I generally decide to buy domains that are quite old. A domain that had never expired (Don’t get lured by the fancy PageRank, they are often earned through some redirection) should add a natural boost to your ranking. Search engines love domains that are aged because they think those have some sort of authority in the relevant niche. Snapnames, ExpiredDomains are some good sites to buy aged domains.

  • Other points to consider

  • Make sure that your domain name is not offensive for anyone or a particular community.

  • Make sure the suffix you add to the keyword while choosing the domain is something that makes sense, for example, just don’t put an x at the end. Many webmasters used to follow this earlier, but with a more vigilant Google, this will not work now.

  • If you are buying an existing domain, check out the whois records carefully. It should never have been banned or belonged to some banned organization. This may ruin your blog’s chances of shining.

  • To conclude with, choosing a perfect domain for your blog has become even more important after the recent Panda and Penguin updates launched by Google. Well, your blog will only flourish if it is liked by users and has quality content but, a good domain is the very first step. Don’t take your first step wrong, you may repent later!

    Author Bio

    This is a guest post and the views of the author do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of this site. The author Costea loves to write about blogging, internet marketing and social media promotional strategies. He is also an occasional contributor to a site that makes available yahoo domain name coupon and midphase coupon codes for its visitors. If you want to read more about Yahoo domain name coupon or midphase coupon codes, please click here.


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