3 Blogging Mistakes to Avoid

Gone are the days, when people used to take blogging for granted (if this has ever happened!). Blogging is one of the most cherished internet practices these days. People are blogging for business expansion, there are bloggers doing the charity work, blogs are used to raise funds or serve as promotional platforms, there are bloggers who blog for fun only and then there are those, who earn good amount of revenue from their blogs.

What are you looking for?
Every person connected to the world of internet would love to know the secret to successful blogging! Therefore, “what should we do to blog successfully and be popular?” seems like a mandatory question in the minds of bloggers. However, when you are looking for the answers to “what to do” question, also look for things that you should never do! So, here are few bad blogging tips from bad boys, which are aimed at saving you from ‘bad blogging’.

no comments
Are you constantly staying up and waiting for comments?
New bloggers, usually, do this kind of a thing. They would simply get obsessed with getting web-traffic and a number of comments. Now, it is very natural to want people commenting actively on your blog and connect to it in a healthy manner but you will end nowhere if you are checking the comment density after every 15 minutes or so. This way, you will be wasting your precious time that you could utilize to do some other tasks for your blog. You should set a fixed time, once a day to look through the blog stats. I would suggest, doing it once during morning time and once during late evening or afternoon.

connect with readers
Are you avoiding the comments to your blog posts?
When people, finally, began leaving comments on your posts and articles, do you respond them as much? Also, the content and tone of your response matters greatly. A blogger is thought to be some authority or well-learned person on his/her focused niche. Also, your readers would see you more like a neutral person; now this does not mean, you need to put aside your opinion and viewpoint, instead you ought to acknowledge and respect the other view points as well. Avoid deleting a comment, only because that contradicts your point. Also, make sure that you are participating in the discussion and responding to your visitors.

Are you consistent in posting to your blog?
Consistency and perseverance are few of the most cherished qualities in blogging world. Newbies may publish actively in the beginning but when after few days the enthusiasm subsides, they would go inconsistent and slow on posting. This is a lethal mistake in blogging world. Your blog could possibly die! Don’t exaggerate the posting habit in the beginning and never lessen it after few days. You need to fix a ratio of the blog posts that you want each week, going up on your blog. The posting schedule depends on the niche and purpose of your blog; some bloggers need a daily schedule while others would need it bi-weekly or weekly.

These are only few of the many others mistakes that bloggers tend to make. However, when you avoid these (above listed) common errors, you can save your blog a lot of pain! As a piece of advice: learn from your blogging-mistakes but never repeat them!

Author Bio

This is a guest post by Gloria Philips who is a guest blogger and content writer. She has written many articles on IT Certifications. She is a certified professional and happy to highlight the importance of Apple Certifications. She recommends Test4Prep for exam preparation.


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