Google AdWords Coupon Giveaway

Google AdWords Coupon
Google AdWords is a tool to help you in advertising your products or services in Google, and its affiliate sites via the various Ads placed in them . With the help of it you can target specific audience in your niche with particular keywords and other parameters.
Today we are bringing a super cool giveaway for all our readers. A chance to win a 100$ AdWords Coupon and use it to market your blog/website all across Google !! To take part read along

To take part just enter your Name and Email address in the Punchtab Giveaway Widget below. This will enter you in the draw to win the $100 AdWords Coupon. There are options available to have a higher chance of winning by doing Extra Entries like Liking and +1'ing . To increase your chances even further you can refer users to this Giveaway by using your referral link. Each user that takes part in this Giveaway using your link will earn you 5 Entries. The formula is simple :

More The Number of Entries , Higher the Chances of Winning

Get Started

What Happens If you Win !!
Once you will have your hands on the Coupon code, you will be ready to start. Don't worry if you don't know much about AdWords, the Infograhpics below explains how really AdWords works and some basic tactics to follow to get the maximum from it.

How does Google AdWords work? - infographic
Infographic by Pulpmedia Online Marketing

The winner will be selected by Punchtab randomly on May 26th 2012 and will contacted by email.

Good luck to Everyone!!


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