5 Tips for Successful Blog Promotion

Promote your blog
If you’re hoping that your blog suddenly becomes the next big hit within your particular niche then the first thing you need to do is start promoting. You can write the best posts in the world, but if no one is reading them then it doesn’t make an ounce of difference. This is where blog promotion comes into play; when it’s done right it gives you the power to take your blog from 50 visitors a day to 5,000… and what blogger doesn’t want that? Confused about how to start? Read on…

Social Media
1. Social media
Social media helps you connect with millions of people in an instant, so if you haven’t been using it for promoting your blog yet then start doing so immediately. Don’t limit yourself to using just one site either, because each site has its own unique advantages over the other. For instance you can create a fan page for your blog on Facebook which can help connect you to hundreds of millions of people, whereas with the addition of the right hash tags on Twitter allow you to reach an audience that extends far beyond your followers.

Guest Blogging
2. Guest post
Writing for a popular blogger’s blog is one of the most effective ways to reach a very large and new-to-you audience, which can help your traffic skyrocket overnight. Reach out to bloggers and pitch topic ideas, and when bloggers put out a call for guest posters then respond. A lot of popular blogs regularly feature guest bloggers, and are more than happy to share their audience with you, so take advantage of that!

3. Comment
When you become a frequent commenter on blogs the blogger and readers alike will begin to recognize you. The trick is that you have to post comments that are thought-provoking and well-written so that people want to click over to your blog and see what else you have to offer them. Don’t let yourself get lost in the commenting crowd by posting generic comments, and try to comment quickly after a post goes live so that the subsequent commenters see your comment as well as the post.

Befriend other bloggers
4. Befriend other bloggers
In addition to becoming a familiar commenting face on other people’s blogs you should also find ways to connect with other bloggers and eventually befriend them. Having friends in the blogging world allows you to exchange links and promote one another so that you both benefit from unique readers to your sites. Readers trust a blogger they love’s advice when it comes to finding new blogs, and if they can vouch for your blog as a good source of information or entertainment then that recommendation can end up doing wonders for your traffic.

update your blog
5. Post often and post well
One thing that will always keep readers coming back? New content to read. This means you have to publish frequently and you have to publish high quality content. You can’t just throw up posts that have no substance to them because it isn’t going to attract readers. Writing high quality content every single time you write is what will keep readers coming back and what will compel people to share your site. There’s a fine line between promotional tactics and spam, so be sure to keep your promoting in check without overdoing it. Success may not come overnight, but it will come.

Author Bio

This is a guest post by Jenny Ellis is a freelance writer, and a regular contributor for Aupair Care. She welcomes your comments at: ellisjenny728 @ gmail.com.


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