5 Top Blog Post Ideas

best idea imageAs a blogger, you probably know that you need to post often to be successful and to build a following. Some say that this means posting at least once a week, but most think more often is the key to success, claiming that posts once a day or more are integral. It doesn’t matter if you update your blog once a week or once an hour, it can be hard to think of a good blog post idea. Of course you should try to stay on topic and close to your niche, but there are certain blog post ideas that can be adapted for your blog to keep you with top content. The following are 5 of the top ideas for blog posts, ideas that can hopefully help you think of ways to update your blog and keep it fresh.

top 10
1.) Top 10 Lists.
People love to read lists, and top ten lists let you create content that your visitors will actually read. Lists are great because visitors can skim them and they can often be quick and easy for you to write.
Draft a list that is relevant to your niche. It can be a list of top tourist destinations, other blogs that visitors may want to check out, best movies or experts in your field. Just list your top 10, and make a few comments on each one explaining why it deserves its rank on your list. These work so well, many blogs only do top 10 lists.

dos and dont's
2.) Dos and Don’ts.
Again, make sure you dos and don’ts are relevant to whatever your blog is about. Each of these should be quick, maybe a sentence or two to explain each one. Again, your readers will love these because they are quick to read.
If you don’t know what do or don’t tips to offer, remember that you just have to make it somewhat related to your niche. Additionally, you don’t have to make it serious or factual either; it could be humorous. Think about giving your readers tip on making blog posts, making chili or buying a new car.

few of my favorite things
3.) A List of Favorite Things.
Your favorite things may not be anywhere near as exciting as Oprah’s, but this quick reading post will still be liked by your readers. Padding this post with extra images will make it loved even more by your readers, as they won’t really have to read anything if they don’t want to.
As with all of these other tips, make sure that your list is niche-related. These could be your favorite blog tools, computer peripherals or iPhone apps. You know what you like, so these posts can be super easy and quick to create.

top 5 worst
4.) A Worst List.
Writing about things in a negative light can stir up controversy, and people love controversy. You don’t want to be to negative or mean in your post, as it is on the internet, so you never know who will read it. Worst lists can be extra fun if you write sarcastically, listing the best things as the worst. No matter how you spin it, visitors to your blog will surely find this list to be edgy and interesting. Write about the worst things in your niche.

rating exceptional poor
5.) Write a review.
Your visitors will love reviews. These are helpful valuable posts, and you will end up with new readers who search for this very specific information.
Keep your review at least loosely related to your blog content as you pick what you will be looking at. Choose something that is new, recently updated or often new to others. The possibilities are almost endless.

Author Bio

This is a guest post written by Kevin Moor, who also writes for Anti Virus Software Alert, a site emphasizing on antivirus software.


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