1. Make Yourself Heard
The biggest and most obvious benefit is that you can voice your opinions out there on the internet for everyone to see. Whether it’s thoughts about the latest episode of Star Trek, or telling people where they can find the cheapest electricity, you too can share your views with the masses. This is probably the main reason why any blogger starts blogging in the first place – a personal blog is an excellent sounding board for any thoughts and ideas you may want to share with the world.
2. Improve Your Writing
One of the key aspects to writing a blog is writing it well. Of course, everyone wants to write a blog that people will want to read, so that means you have to be engaging and you have to create well-written content. Thankfully, the more you write, the better you will get, and you’ll soon find yourself developing your own unique style and blogging ‘voice’.
3. Become an Expert
The best blogs are written by people who care about their subject matter. If you’ve got an expertise you want to share with the world, a blog can be the best place to do it. Whether it’s retro videogames or 16th century agricultural research, you can guarantee that someone, somewhere, will want to read about it. Then it’s down to you to become the expert they want to read it from.
4. Broaden Your Knowledge
So you’ve established yourself as an expert in your chosen field. Now what? Well, if you want people to keep reading, you’ll want to expand that expertise and keep on top of every current development in your chosen subject area. Being entertaining will only get your blog so far – it has to be useful as well.
5. Make Yourself a Better Researcher
Good research is the foundation of good blogging. But don’t worry; it doesn’t have to feel like hard work. If you’re passionate about your subject, it’s likely that you’ve already been researching it without even realizing. By providing your readers with great quality posts, you’ll find yourself researching more and more... and becoming a better researcher in the process.
6. Motivate Yourself
Sometimes, we all need a good kick up the backside to make us more productive. The knowledge that there are people out there who want to read what you have to say can be an incredibly strong motivator. It’s encouraging to know that your opinions are valued and that there are readers who are as passionate about your subject as you are.
7. Connect with Others
Networking is the name of the game. By establishing yourself as an expert, you open up the possibility of others with similar interests (or indeed, other experts) contacting you via your blog. This has benefits both personal and professional – You encounter people with shared interests much more easily than if you were to look for these people in person. If your blog takes a more professional outlook, you might even land yourself some extra work.
8. Engage with Others
Of course, people who read your blog will undoubtedly want to comment on what you’ve written – something that can be incredibly rewarding for both author and visitor. If you’ve got an opinion, someone else is bound to have an opposing one. Engaging people in debate can give you interesting alternative perspectives and could help both you and your readers to develop your knowledge of the subject.
9. Pursue Your Passion
Everyone has a passion, from the highest flying executive to the lowliest janitor. Blogging gives you the chance to pursue that passion and share it with the world. For many bloggers, it’s the chance to share a part of themselves that goes unseen in their everyday lives. But just because it’s not your day job, it doesn’t mean you can’t be an expert.
10. (Possibly) Earn an Income
While it is possible to generate an income through blogging, you shouldn’t just be in it for the money. For one thing, there isn’t much of it when you’re just starting out. More importantly, your readers are bound to know if you only care about the cash.
On the other hand, they’ll also know when you love what you do, so go out there and blog about something you love… then maybe you can earn a few bucks down the road.
Author Bio
This is a Guest Post by Imogen Reed who is an active freelance writer and President of the Moon Appreciation Society. You can find her on Google+.
This is a Guest Post by Imogen Reed who is an active freelance writer and President of the Moon Appreciation Society. You can find her on Google+.
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