Most of the bloggers write Guest post to get backlink because backlink is important for high SERP, but for me Guest post is much more than just a backlink source.
Have you ever tried to know from where people get the idea of Guest Post?
Let me try to explain it. You have noticed that some time you get an offer on your favorite (or already a famous) product like free a smaller product (obviously new into the market). What is the purpose of this kind of offer? Actually the new product company trying to attract more and more customer to their product by providing their product free (or on fewer prices) with a famous/popular product.
Another example is having a popular actor for Guest appearance in a movie also a way to get more audience in the cinema hall.
Same idea converted into the form of ‘Guest post’ in the blogging field.
Purpose of Guest Post
Guest Post is a medium of blog promotion and to convert your blog into a popular blog. It is one of the most effective techniques to market your blog.
You are trying to attract the readers of a famous blog by putting a ‘Guest Post’ on their blog. If people like your article then they will move to your blog in search of more such useful and informative articles.
General Criteria for selecting a blog for Guest Post
People just write Guest post to get a backlink. They just consider the ‘Google PR’ or ‘Alexa Rank’ of the blog on which they are planning to publish ‘Guest Post’. That’s why people don’t put their best effort while writing the Guest Post, which is a negative point for a writer.
Best way to select a suitable blog for Guest Post
1. Host Blog must belong to your niche
2. That blog must be 6 month old (most of the new blogger’s quit blogging with in 4-5 months of their start)
3. Host blogger must not be banned from Google.
4. Check Google PR of blog (If you are in need of good backlink)
Activity - After Publishing your Guest Post
Your aim should not only to publish your Guest Post. Real work starts after publishing it. You must do following activities to get most from it
1. Share it on Social media sites to get more and more visitor to your article.
2. Reply all the comments/queries raised by reader on your Guest Post to build a healthy relationship with the readers.
3. Write a brief description about your ‘Guest post’ on your article so that your blog’s reader also get chance to read your article.
Purpose of writing this article
My motive of writing this article is to motivate you all to write Guest post to get more visitors to your blog by providing a quality Guest Post and by following after publishing activity. Backlink is just a complementary gift for you but your actual rewards are ‘New Visitor’ and ‘recognition of your blog and your name’ that you get from it.
‘Guest Post’ is the mirror image of your writing capability and it gives the first impression about you and your blog to the readers.
Author Bio
This is a Guest Post by Sandeep Kumar. He is a part time blogger and love to post about Blogging, SEO, Oneline Money Making Tips on his blog SEO Bloggers Tips .
This is a Guest Post by Sandeep Kumar. He is a part time blogger and love to post about Blogging, SEO, Oneline Money Making Tips on his blog SEO Bloggers Tips .
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